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Chapter One: Dayanus
Lesson One: Summons to Beis Din (21:35)
Lesson Two: How to Summon to Beis Din
Lesson Three: Until When Can a Dayan Withdraw from Litigation? (9:41)
Lesson Four: Compromise and Forgiveness (8:28)
Lesson Five: Not to Use Ploys to Extort a Compromise (12:23)
Lesson Six: The Effects of Compromise and Kinyan
Lesson Seven: The Laws of Compromise and Mechila (19:50)
Lesson Eight: A Compromise that includes a Fine and that makes it Binding
Lesson Nine: Mechila on an Obligation to Swear an Oath (14:14)
Lesson Ten: The Great Preference for Compromise
Lesson Eleven: When the Litigants Do Not Agree on the Dayanim (17:38)
Lesson Twelve: When the Litigants Do Not Agree on the Dayanim cont'd
Lesson Thirteen: When the Litigants Do Not Agree on the Dayanim and the Writing of the Claims (13:08)
Lesson Fourteen: The Litigants Disagreeing and Disqualifying One’s Opponent’s Choice of a Dayan
Dayanus Part 2
Lesson Fifteen: When the Litigants Want More Dayanim than Usual (18:31)
Lesson Sixteen: Taking Litigation to Expert Dayanim Out of Town
Lesson Seventeen: Taking Litigation Out of Town (18:02)
Lesson Eighteen: Taking Litigation Out of Town
Lesson Nineteen: If a Litigant Suspects a Dayan of Unfairness (14:51)
Lesson Twenty: If a Litigant Suspects a Dayan of Unfairness, Starting the Appeal Process
Lesson Twenty one: Compensation for Travel and Court Expenses (10:06)
Lesson Twenty Two: Executing a Claim for Reimbursement for “Forcing Costs”
Lesson Twenty Three: Reimbursement for Mental Anguish? (15:26)
Lesson Twenty Four: Re-opening a case that was already decided
Lesson Twenty Five: The prohibition against bringing a case before a non-Jewish court (20:05)
Lesson Twenty Six: Permission to bring a case before a non-Jewish court
Lesson Twenty Seven: Permission to bring a case before a non-Jewish court (16:24)
To'en test 1: Lessons 1-27
Chapter Two: Eidus
Lesson 28: The obligation to testify, and the cherem on one who does not testify (25:55)
Lesson 29: A Jewish Witness who Testifies for a non-Jew
Lesson 30: The testimony of a Talmid Chacham, testimony against an alim and whether witnesses must stand (16:02)
Lesson 31: The testimony of a Talmid Chacham, the seating of the judges while testimony is heard, and the law of a translator in Beis Din
Lesson 32: Threatening the witnesses, and how they give their testimony (17:53)
Lesson 33: The laws of written testimony and the validity of witnesses’ signatures on a document
Lesson 34: A Witness who is reminded of his testimony by various people
Lesson 35: Testimony given not in the presence of a litigant
Lesson 36: When testimony is accepted not in the presence of the litigant (11:36)
Lesson 37: More examples of when testimony is accepted in the absence of a litigant
Eidus Part 2
Lesson 38: Various details about testimony and a document of acceptance of testimony (14:23)
Lesson 39: Various details about testimony and a document of acceptance of testimony
Lesson 40: Witnesses who recant their testimony (17:42)
Lesson 41: A witness who claims that he did not observe the event, and the halachos of interrogating witnesses
Lesson 42: A witness who claims that he did not observe the event, and the halachos of interrogating witnesses (17:06)
Lesson 43: A continuation of the halachos of interrogating witnesses, and contradictions between the witnesses’ accounts
Lesson 44: Sole testimony (19:31)
Lesson 45: Various Combinations of Testimonies
Lesson 46: Combining Dayanim, Testimony on half of a matter and Edus Yediya (17:30)
Lesson 47: Testimony of Relatives
Eidus Part 3
Lesson 48: Continuation of laws of disqualification of relatives to testify (11:58)
Lesson 49: Continuation of laws of disqualification of relatives to testify
Lesson 50: Testimony of a fiancé, brothers who convert and other sorts of relations
Lesson 51: A biased witness and various laws concerning witnesses who are related (20:37)
Lesson 52: Completion of laws of testimony of relatives, and testimony of a rasha (16:05)
Lesson 53: Who is the “Rasha “ who is disqualified from testimony?
Lesson 54: One who violates an oath, a butcher who deals in neveilos, and a gazlan (19:17)
Lesson 55: The disqualification of Edim Zomemim and transgressors of usury from testimony
Lesson 56: Disqualifications for testimony of usurers and disqualifications DeRabbanan (19:15)
Lesson 57: The disqualification from testimony of tax collectors, sharecroppers and gamblers
Lesson 58: Disqualification from Testimony of a dice payer and am Haaretz (11:42)
Lesson 59: Disqualifications from testimony due to disgraceful behavior, and the disqualification of a non-Jew or slave
Lesson 60: The disqualification for testimony of a sonei, an informant, a Mamzeir and other cases, and whether there is a need for hachraza (16:41)
To'en test 2: Eidus Lessons 28-60
Eidus Part 4
Lesson 61: Disqualification from testimony for those who sin accidentally, one who incriminates himself and Palginan Diburei
Lesson 62: The disqualification from testimony of one who contradicts a witness, and the process by which a rasha becomes a kasher witness again (21:08)
Lesson 63: More concerning how Reshayim can regain Kashrus for testimony
Lesson 64: Conclusion of Dinim concerning witnesses who are relatives or have other disqualifications (16:24)
Lesson 65: Several cases of potential bias in testimony
Lesson 66: More cases of Bias in Testimony (11:50)
Lesson 67: Testimony of tenants, and if a lender or guarantor can testify for the borrower
Lesson 68: The First Buyer testifying for the second one and testimony of a seller for his Buyer (15:37)
Lesson 69: The First Buyer testifies for the second Buyer, and the Testimony of the Seller for the Buyer
Lesson 70: The Testimony of the stolen one and the one stolen for? (10:09)
Lesson 71: Testimony of city residents on the needs of their city
Lesson 72: Conclusion of Dinim concerning Bais Din testimony, and the Dinim of Takkanos of the community and customs (9:08)
To'en test 3: Eidus Lessons 61-72
Chapter 3: To'ein V'Nitan
Lesson 1: Both parties are obligated to clarify their arguments (13:59)
Lesson 2: Partial and complete denials
Lesson 3: Partial and complete denials- contd. (11:35)
Lesson 4: One who admits that he only repaid a loan in part
Lesson 5: Partial and Complete Denials (20:26)
Lesson 6: One who claims not to remember a debt or payment (20:26)
Lesson 7: One Who Admits on His own Initiative (15:42)
Lesson 8: A claim supported by a single witness
Lesson 9: A claim supported by a single witness (10:25)
Lesson 10: One who cannot swear a “rolled” oath
Lesson 11: Collecting from Heirs (19:41)
Lesson 12: A tentative Claim
Lesson 13: Both parties make tentative arguments, the parties are uncertain regarding the sum (13:31)
Lesson 14: An heir who makes a tentative claim on behalf of the deceased
Lesson 15: A tentative claim supported by a single witness (7:26)
Lesson 16: One who refuses to swear an oath until the claimant reveals his proofs
Test 4: Lesson 1-16 Toen V'nitan
Chapter 4: To'ein V'nitan contd.
Lesson 17: Retracting an Argument (22:11)
Lesson 18: When is one obligated in a Biblical oath and when is one obligated in a Rabbinic oath
Lesson 19: One who immediately returns the portion of the claim he concedes (22:17)
Lesson 20: A proven liar who is obligated to swear, a partial admission supported by a single witness
Lesson 21: Does the testimony of a single witness exempt one from an oath? (21:03)
Lesson 22: The differences between Biblical and Rabbinic oaths
Lesson 23: Additional differences between Biblical and Rabbinic oaths (14:57)
Lesson 24: Additional differences between Biblical and Rabbinic oaths, cont.
Lesson 25: Swearing on a Sefer Torah (17:20)
Lesson 26: The syntax of the oath
Lesson 27: An oath must be sworn in the presence of the opposing party, multiple claims that each require an oath (18:10)
Lesson 28: One is not obligated to swear to counter a claim that does not have financial consequences
Lesson 29: An oath to counter a fine, one who claims that he already swore an oath (28:53)
Lesson 30: A claimant who brings proof after the defendant swore an oath
Lesson 31: A handshake in place of an oath (17:47)
Lesson 32: Assorted halachos regarding oaths
Test 5: Lesson 17-32 Toen V'nitan
Chapter 6: Harsha'ah
Lesson 1:When do we write a power of attorney? (22:35)
Lesson 2:Multiple powers of attorney, if the agent forgave the debt
Lesson 3: An agent to obligate an oath, a paid agent (21:44)
Lesson 4: Who is qualified to serve as an agent
Lesson 5: Under what circumstances can one utilize a power of attorney (8:25)
Chapter 7: Mekach Umemkar-Sales
Lesson 1: A conditional sale is only valid if the condition is fulfilled (23:33)
Lesson 2: A conditional sale requires a kinyan, an implied condition
Lesson 3: An unstated condition, a condition to transfer the property to a third-party (30:15)
Lesson 4: A stipulation entitling the seller to buy back the property, stipulating a forfeiture if a deadline is missed
Lesson 5: The interim status of property sold conditionally when the stipulation was not fulfilled, asmachta (16:31)
Lesson 6: The interim status of property sold conditionally when the stipulation was not fulfilled, asmachta. Cont.
Lesson 7: A Binding Asmachta (20:03)
Lesson 8: A Binding Asmachta Cont.
Lesson 9: Additional Methods to Make an Asmachta Binding (11:02)
Test 6: Harsha'ah and Sales
Chapter 8: Kiddushin
Kiddushin Lesson 1: A Man’s Obligation to Marry a Woman (16:46)
Kiddushin Lesson 2: The Age of Marriage The Dinim of Fathering Children and not Remaining Without a Wife
Kiddushin Lesson 3: The Dinim of Fathering Children and not Remaining without a Wife (30:42)
Kiddushin Lesson 4: Sale of a Sefer Torah in Order to Get Married, How Many Wives may One Marry, and the Beginning of the Dinim of the Cherem of Rabbeinu Gershom
Kiddushin Lesson 5: Continued - Dinim of the Cherem of Rabbeinu Gershom, Dispensation of 100 Rabbis, Which Wife Should One Marry and from Which Family (19:16)
Kiddushin Lesson 6: Marriage into the Jewish People
Kiddushin Lesson 7: Marriage into the Jewish People (29:09)
Kiddushin Lesson 8: Who is Prohibited for One to Marry
Kiddushin Lesson 9: The Dinim of a Mamzer (29:00)
Kiddushin Lesson 10: The Dinnim of a Mamzer
Kiddushin Lesson 11: A Betrothed Woman Who Became Pregnant (29:51)
Kiddushin Lesson 12: Laws Pertaining to "Asufi"
Kiddushin Lesson 13: Asufis, Karayim and Anusim (16:20)
Kiddushin Lesson 14: A woman suspected of infidelity is forbidden both to her husband and to the suspected adulterer (20:50)
Kiddushin Lesson 15: A woman suspected of infidelity is forbidden both to her husband and to the suspected adulterer
Kiddushin Lesson 16: If the woman married the adulterer (17:24)
Kiddushin Lesson 17: Assorted halachos relating to adultery
Kiddushin Lesson 18: The Period of Time That a Divorcée and a Widow Have to Wait Before They Can Marry Another Man (23:01)
Kiddushin Lesson 19: Which Woman Has to Wait "Three Months of Distinction", ("yemei havchanah") Before She Can Marry Another Man?
Kiddushin Lesson 20: A Person Who Betroths a Woman Without Waiting "Three Months of Distinction" (yemei havchanah), as well as Laws Pertaining to the Waiting Period of a Pregnant Woman and a Nursing Mother. (17:20)
Kiddushin Lesson 21: The Waiting Period of a Widow and a Divorcée (in different situations).
Kiddushin Lesson 22: Laws pertaining to the writing of the name of the place where the husband and the wife live at the time of the writing (29:44)
Kiddushin Lesson 23: Witnessing Kiddushin. The Law Pertaining to a Single Witness. The Law Pertaining to a Betrothed Couple Who Have Not Seen the Witnesses.
Kiddushin Lesson 24: Appointment of Witnesses to Kiddushin, and Some More Laws Pertaining to Evidence On Kiddushin (23:13)
Kiddushin Lesson 25: Laws Pertaining to Kosher and Pasul Witnesses to Kiddushin
Test 7: Kiddushin
Chapter 9: Kesubos
Kesubos Lesson 1: A man’s obligations to his wife and children (20:29)
Kesubos Lesson 2: The method and quantity of providing food
Kesubos Lesson 3: One must feed a wife who became sick, claiming sustenance in the husband’s absence (15:30)
Kesubos Lesson 4: A wife who borrowed money against her food
Kesubos Lesson 5: A woman who claimed sustenance from the absent husband’s assets and upon his return he claims that he left her food, feeding a wife who abandoned her husband’s home (20:51)
Kesubos Lesson 6: Feeding minor children
Kesubos Lesson 7: Providing clothing and housing (22:26)
Kesubos Lesson 8: When a wife must move to her husband’s location
Kesubos Lesson 9: Resolving disagreements regarding where to live (17:00)
Kesubos Lesson 10:A husband who refuses to perform his marital obligations
Kesubos Lesson 11: A husband who refuses to perform his marital obligations (17:21)
Kesubos Lesson 12 : A husband who refuses to perform his marital obligations
Kesubos Lesson 13 : Financial penalties against a moredes (15:34)
Kesubos Lesson 14 : A woman who justifies her refusal
Kesubos Lesson 15 : A husband is entitled to his wife’s profits, a wife should not be idle, which services a wife is obligated to provide to her husband (21:13)
Kesubos Lesson 16 : Which services the wife must do personally and which she can hire a servant to perform, a nursing mother
Kesubos Lesson 17 : A wife who refuses to work, a self-sufficient wife (24:33)
Kesubos Lesson 18 : A nursing mother
Kesubos Lesson 19: What a husband is entitled to from his wife’s assets, the husband’s legal status regarding her assets, assets acquired by the wife after her marriage (26:57)
Kesubos Lesson 20 : Assets Acquired by the Wife after her Marriage, A Husband who Sold his Wife’s Property, a Wife who Received Presents
Kesubos Lesson 21 : Various types of assets (21:11)
Kesubos Lesson 22: A Husband who Wishes to Liquidate his Wife’s Assets
Test 8: Kesubos Lessons 1-22
Chapter 10: Kesubos- cont.
Kesubos Lesson 23: A husband inherits his wife’s assets (22:22)
Kesubos Lesson 24: Inheriting a wife whose marital status is complicated
Kesubos Lesson 25: A woman who disposed of her assets (24:46)
Kesubos Lesson 26: A husband who permitted his wife to sell her property, a husband who sold his wife’s property
Kesubos Lesson 27 : A Husband who Sold his Wife’s Property Selling items the Husband gave his Wife, a Couple who Agreed to Liquidate the Wife’s assets. (19:38)
Kesubos Lesson 28 : A wife who consented to her husband selling his property etc.
Kesubos Lesson 29 : When is a widow entitled to support, when there is not enough inheritance to support the widow and the daughters (27:27)
Kesubos Lesson 30 : Actions that Cause a Widow to Lose Support
Kesubos Lesson 31 : From which assets a widow can collect support (18:13)
Kesubos Lesson 32 : Methods of collecting support from the estate
Kesubos Lesson 33 : Methods of Collecting Support from the Estate (24:01)
Kesubos Lesson 34 : Sins that cause a woman to forfeit the kesuba
Kesubos Lesson 35 : Additional Transgressions that forfeit the Kesuba (25:45)
Kesubos Lesson 36 : Inappropriate Behaviors that forfeit the Kesuba
Kesubos Lesson 37 : A woman who admits to infidelity (24:15)
Kesubos Lesson 38 : Proving Infidelity
Kesubos Lesson 39 : A Sota (19:54)
Kesubos Lesson 40 : A Woman who Cannot Purify herself is not Entitled to her Kesuba
Kesubos Lesson 41 : Pre-existing conditions that entitle a husband to divorce his wife without paying her kesuba (27:44)
Kesubos Lesson 42 : Determining whether a condition predated the marriage or not
Test 9: Kesubos Shiurim 23-42
Chapter 11: Gittin
Gittin Lesson 1 : The issuing of a Modaa and its annulment (10:07)
Gittin Lesson 2 : Annulling a Modaah
Gittin Lesson 3 : Bitul Moda’os (10:31)
Gittin Lesson 4 : Divorce done through coercion
Gittin Lesson 5 : Divorce done through coercion (21:24)
Gittin Lesson 6 : Divorce done through coercion
Gittin Lesson 7 : Divorce done through coercion (9:41)
Gittin Lesson 8 : Coercing a husband to Divorce due to Mumim (28:35)
Gittin Lesson 10 : A husband who is often angry and expels his wife from his house (14:54)
Gittin Lesson 9 : Coercing a husband to Divorce due to Mumim
Gittin Lesson 11 Shiur 196 To-ein Rabbani
Gittin Lesson 12 : Various sorts of Mumim (20:06)
Gittin Lesson 13 : A husband who cannot have children
Gittin Lesson 14 : A husband who does not have Gevuras Anashim (28:54)
Gittin Lesson 15 : A husband who wants to leave and a wife who has not given birth after ten years of marriage
Gittin Lesson 16 : A couple that is married b’issur and coercion in giving a Get (12:38)
Chapter 12: Sota
Sota Lesson 2 : Witnesses to her infidelity
Sota Lesson 1 : Creating a sota (25:25)
Sota Lesson 3 : Rumors of infidelity, witnesses to infidelity, assorted halachos relating to suspected infidelity (23:36)
Sota Lesson 4 : Rumors of infidelity, witnesses to infidelity, assorted halachos relating to suspected infidelity
Lesson 41: A witness who claims that he did not observe the event, and the halachos of interrogating witnesses
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