Roadmap to Prayer
Your Instructor
Rabbi Shlomo Furst, a close talmid of HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, ztz"l, has been learning in Yeshiva Torah Ore, Jerusalem for over thirty-five years. He is the author and publisher of The Torah Way of Life Series, books based on the recorded lectures of Rav Scheinberg.
In his preface to the Series, Rav Scheinberg wrote, “Rabbi Furst…His outstanding devotion to understanding my shuirim and shmuessen is readily apparent in his clear presentation of my teachings in lashon kodesh and English.…”
In addition to his continued writing and publishing, Rabbi Furst teaches daily at Yeshiva Tsama Nafshi in Jerusalem. He lectures in Halacha on the Mishna Berura and in Mussar.
Previously, Rabbi Furst was the Mashgiach Ruchani for Kollel Ruach Chaim, Jerusalem. While in America, prior to moving to Eretz Yisrael, he held the position of Assistant Mashgiach of Kashrus for the Central Foodservices of Yeshiva University, NY.
Course Curriculum
PreviewWelcome! (12:02)
StartLesson 1: The Purpose of Prayer (12:02)
StartLesson 2: The Four Spiritual Spheres (19:03)
StartLesson 3: Praise (13:56)
StartLesson 4: A song of appreciation (16:21)
StartLesson 5: Pesukei De'zimra explaining Vayevarech David, Az Yashir and Yishtabach (16:07)
StartLesson 6: The Closing of Pesukei De’zimra (16:04)
StartLesson 7: Yishtabach & Kaddish (17:34)
StartLesson 8: Pesukei D'Zimra of Shabbos and Yom Tov (16:13)
StartLesson 9: Concentration in Prayer (17:05)
StartLesson 10: Chatzi Kaddish at the conclusion of Pesukei De’Zimra (14:38)
StartLesson 11: The Laws of Borchu (12:54)
PreviewLesson 12: The 7 Blessings recited with Krias Shema (13:42)
StartLesson 13: Yotzeir Ohr U’vorei Choshech – The Creator of Light and of Darkness (31:37)
StartLesson 14: Krias Shema and the Aseres Hadibros (16:40)
StartLesson 15: Shemoneh Esrei: The Amidah Prayer (16:22)
StartLesson 16: The Amidah: Shemoneh Esrei (19:54)
StartLesson 17: Shemoneh Esrei- continued (16:15)
StartLesson 18: Shemoneh Esrei- continued (17:49)
StartLesson 19: Al Hanissim, Birchas Kohanim, (18:15)
StartLesson 20: Chazoras Hashatz, Kedusha, Birchos Kohanim (18:03)
PreviewChapter 21: Concentration (21:25)
StartLesson 22: Tachanun - Nefilas Apayim (18:24)
StartLesson 23: Hallel (20:16)
StartLesson 24: Hallel Part II (20:48)
StartLesson 25: Kaddish (16:40)
StartLesson 26: Krias HaTorah (18:12)
StartLesson 27: Krias HaTorah (18:26)
StartLesson 28: Ashrei (19:21)
StartLesson 29: Kedushas U’vah Le’Tziyon (17:09)
StartLesson 30: Kedushas U’vah Le’Tziyon (17:26)