Your Instructor
Rabbi Leibie Landsman is a Talmid of Rav Shmuel Alexander Unsdorfer zt”l of Montreal and Petach Tikva (2002).
He is also a talmid of Rav Mordechai Weinberg zt”l, Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshiva Gedola – Merkaz Hatorah, Ateres Mordechai Hatorah of Montreal. He received his Rabbinic ordination from Rav Weinberg zt”l.
He studied in Mir Yerushalayim by Horav Nochum Pertzovitz zt”l and yblcht”a Horav Aryeh Finkel shlit”a. He continued his studies in Yeshivas Brisk by Horav Meshulam Dovid Soloveitchik shlit”a. He is now a senior member of Kollel Avreichim, Detroit in Oak Park Michigan.
Rav Landsman has organized many programs and shiurim including programs teaching adults Gemora skills on various levels. He also served a number of years as Rosh Chabura for the Kollel’s Mechanchim Chabura. His Kollel Amud Yomi Chabura, is now in its twenty fourth year.
Aside for his Kollel activities, Rabbi Landsman has been an integral part of the Pirchei Shoshanim staff. He authored the shiurim on Orach Chaim as well as The Roadmap to Prayer. He also edited the Kosher Kitchen and is currently actively managing the Shabbos Chabura, Aveilus and others.
Course Curriculum
StartLesson 1- The Fundamentals of Stove and Oven Use on Shabbos (39:25)
StartLesson 2- She’hiya and Chazora B’Issur. Conditions for Allowing Chazora (28:02)
PreviewLesson 3- Adding to a pot that's on the stove on Shabbos (49:26)
StartLesson 4- Amira to an Aino Yehudi. Roasting meat Friday evening (77:49)
StartLesson 5- Two Forms of Hatmana. Uncovering and Covering, Keli Sheini etc. by Hatmana (51:05)
StartLesson 6-What Constitutes Hatmana? (48:15)
StartLesson 7- The Various Methods of Bishul. Which Foods may be Reheated on Shabbos? (58:53)
StartLesson 8-Methods of Reheating Foods on Shabbos (117:08)
StartLesson 9- The Laws of Bishul by Water (50:40)
StartLesson 10- Laws pertaining to: Reheating Foods; Ice; Hagasa (Stirring) of Hot Foods (68:24)
PreviewLesson 1- Mevatel Keli Me’hechano. Placing a Vessel With or Without Water Under a Lit Lamp (47:28)
StartLesson 2- The Laws pertaining to a Melacha done by a Gentile. Permissible Situations (62:17)
StartLesson 3- Candles Hanging behind a Door. Opening the Door Opposite Candles. Tilting a Table with Candles. Melacha She’eina Tzricha Le’gufah. Le’tzorech Gufo U’mekomo (69:58)
StartLesson 4- Wearing and Carrying Wet Clothing. Mar'is Ayin. Laundering and Folding Clothing. Makeh Bepatish (49:19)
StartLesson 5- 5 Conditions for Folding Clothing. Removing Mud from Shoes and Clothing (55:43)
StartLesson 6- Scraping Dirt from Shoes. Washing Leather and other Hard Materials. Soaking and Washing Clothing. (43:15)
StartLesson 7: Women's Fineries (29:21)
StartLesson 8: Introduction to Muktze. Fundamentals of Muktze (58:20)
StartLesson 9: Muktze: -A Keli She’melachto Le’heter, Broken Items, Broken Pottery, Doors of Keilim, Removing Doors (51:53)
StartLesson 10: Removing Cabinet Doors, Pit Covers, Sewing Needles, Pieces of Mats, Pieces of Rags, A Mold (46:54)
StartLesson 11- Sandals, Hangers, Benches, Bricks, Splinters, Ladders (58:21)
StartLesson 12- Muktze: Palm Branches. Rocks. Fly Swatters (45:48)
StartLesson 13- Muktze: Bones and Peels. Wood. Animal Food. Raw Food. Tiltul Min Hatzad. Bittul Keli Meheichano. Basis. Food Fit for Animals. Pits of Fruits. Raw Meat (48:21)
StartLesson 14- Graf Shel Re'i - Moving one, Making one. Soil. Handling Animals. (65:05)
StartLesson 15-Walking Children. Touching and Blowing Muktze. Forming a Keli. Balls. Shatnez. Fly Swatter, Broomsticks. Science Books, Time Measuring Devices. Muktze for the Rich (76:40)
StartLesson 16- Handling a Child holding Muktze. A Bowl with a Stone (45:15)
StartLesson 17- A Rock on a Barrel and other Laws of Basis (51:15)
StartLesson 18- Foul items, food items: Muktzah Machmas Mius (53:30)
StartLesson 19- A Bed as a Basis Le’davar Ha’assur. A Basis for an Issur and a Heter. A Corpse and Tiltul Min Hatzad (66:01)
StartLesson 20- Dead bodies and Tiltul Min Hatzad. (49:15)
StartLesson 21- Erecting a Sunshade. Tiltul Min Hatzad, L’tzorech Davar Hamutar (52:31)