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Shabbos Program
Welcome to the Shabbos Program!
Lesson 1- The Fundamentals of Stove and Oven Use on Shabbos (39:25)
Lesson 2- She’hiya and Chazora B’Issur. Conditions for Allowing Chazora (28:02)
Lesson 3- Adding to a pot that's on the stove on Shabbos (49:26)
Lesson 4- Amira to an Aino Yehudi. Roasting meat Friday evening (77:49)
Lesson 5- Two Forms of Hatmana. Uncovering and Covering, Keli Sheini etc. by Hatmana (51:05)
Lesson 6-What Constitutes Hatmana? (48:15)
Lesson 7- The Various Methods of Bishul. Which Foods may be Reheated on Shabbos? (58:53)
Lesson 8-Methods of Reheating Foods on Shabbos (117:08)
Lesson 9- The Laws of Bishul by Water (50:40)
Lesson 10- Laws pertaining to: Reheating Foods; Ice; Hagasa (Stirring) of Hot Foods (68:24)
Lesson 1- Mevatel Keli Me’hechano. Placing a Vessel With or Without Water Under a Lit Lamp (47:28)
Lesson 2- The Laws pertaining to a Melacha done by a Gentile. Permissible Situations (62:17)
Lesson 3- Candles Hanging behind a Door. Opening the Door Opposite Candles. Tilting a Table with Candles. Melacha She’eina Tzricha Le’gufah. Le’tzorech Gufo U’mekomo (69:58)
Lesson 4- Wearing and Carrying Wet Clothing. Mar'is Ayin. Laundering and Folding Clothing. Makeh Bepatish (49:19)
Lesson 5- 5 Conditions for Folding Clothing. Removing Mud from Shoes and Clothing (55:43)
Lesson 6- Scraping Dirt from Shoes. Washing Leather and other Hard Materials. Soaking and Washing Clothing. (43:15)
Lesson 7: Women's Fineries (29:21)
Lesson 8: Introduction to Muktze. Fundamentals of Muktze (58:20)
Lesson 9: Muktze: -A Keli She’melachto Le’heter, Broken Items, Broken Pottery, Doors of Keilim, Removing Doors (51:53)
Lesson 10: Removing Cabinet Doors, Pit Covers, Sewing Needles, Pieces of Mats, Pieces of Rags, A Mold (46:54)
Lesson 11- Sandals, Hangers, Benches, Bricks, Splinters, Ladders (58:21)
Lesson 12- Muktze: Palm Branches. Rocks. Fly Swatters (45:48)
Lesson 13- Muktze: Bones and Peels. Wood. Animal Food. Raw Food. Tiltul Min Hatzad. Bittul Keli Meheichano. Basis. Food Fit for Animals. Pits of Fruits. Raw Meat (48:21)
Lesson 14- Graf Shel Re'i - Moving one, Making one. Soil. Handling Animals. (65:05)
Lesson 15-Walking Children. Touching and Blowing Muktze. Forming a Keli. Balls. Shatnez. Fly Swatter, Broomsticks. Science Books, Time Measuring Devices. Muktze for the Rich (76:40)
Lesson 16- Handling a Child holding Muktze. A Bowl with a Stone (45:15)
Lesson 17- A Rock on a Barrel and other Laws of Basis (51:15)
Lesson 18- Foul items, food items: Muktzah Machmas Mius (53:30)
Lesson 19- A Bed as a Basis Le’davar Ha’assur. A Basis for an Issur and a Heter. A Corpse and Tiltul Min Hatzad (66:01)
Lesson 20- Dead bodies and Tiltul Min Hatzad. (49:15)
Lesson 21- Erecting a Sunshade. Tiltul Min Hatzad, L’tzorech Davar Hamutar (52:31)
Lesson 1: Binyan Keilim: Assembling Items on Shabbos - Items that Screw Together (59:11)
Lesson 2: Cases of Binyan and Stirah (59:45)
Lesson 3: Psik Reisha by Issurei De'Oraissa and Issurei De'Rabanan Fashioning a Keli (61:25)
Lesson 4: Making a Hole in a Barrel, Severing Ties and Clasp, Opening Bags and Cans (52:50)
Lesson 5: Cutting String, Demolishing and Dismantling, Smearing and Smoothing, Opening Packages (52:40)
Lesson 6: Making Partitions, Hanging Curtains, Placing Covers over Beams etc. (57:52)
Lesson 7: Creating a Covered Space Underneath, A Chosson's Canopy (53:09)
Lesson 8: Hanging Curtains, Covering Barrels etc. Tzeida: Trapping Animals (54:15)
Lesson 9: Hunted Species, Trapping Bees, Two People Performing One Melacha, Trapping Dangerous Creatures (52:43)
Lesson 10: The Eight Sheratzim; Chovel-Making a Wound), Killing Fleas, Lice, Dangerous Animals (62:46)
Lesson 11: The Definition of Le’fiTumo (Regarding Smoothing the Ground), Trapping Domesticated Animals Kosheir: The Laws of Tying Knots on Shabbos (45:17)
Lesson 12: Tying Various Knots - A Craftsman’s Knot, Single Knots, Double Knots (45:48)
Lesson 13: Inserting Straps and Laces, Untying Temporary Knots and Stitching (50:18)
Lesson 14: Adhesives, Opening an Envelope, Tying Something to a Rope, Temporary Stitching (49:26)
Lesson 1: Hilchos Borer: Introduction - Ochel Mitoch Pesoles, Miyad, Beyad (34:36)
Lesson 2: Sorting two types of food, Separating “good” from “bad”, Time FactorSorting two types of food, Separating “good” from “bad”, Time Factor (48:28)
Lesson 3: Shelling and Peeling, Blowing, Soaking and Washing to remove Pesoles (51:31)
Lesson 4: Pouring over Dregs, Filtering/Straining Liquids, Separating the Good from the Bad (59:15)
Lesson 5: Straining for Color, Removing Pesoles from Liquids, Churning Butter List of Borer Scenarios (52:01)
Lesson 6: S'chita: The Laws of Squeezing: Discussion of the Sugya (Topic) in the Gemora Categories of Fruits (61:40)
Lesson 7: Squeezing: Unripe Fruit; Lemons; Pickled and Stewed Fruit; Pickled and Stewed Vegetables; Liquid Content to Improve a Food. Crushing Snow and Ice. (68:53)
Lesson 8: Breaking and Crushing ice, Using a Sponge, Using a Toothbrush (41:09)
Lesson 9: Plugging a Barrel with a Wet Cloth, Dyeing Food, Dyeing Clothing (48:03)
Lesson 10: The Use of Salt in Food Preparation The Melacha of Tochen (Grinding) (52:02)
Lesson 11: Preparing Food on Shabbos: Using a Grater, Soaking Vegetables, Cutting Finely The Melacha of Losh (Kneading), Preparing Mustard (62:53)
Lesson 12: The Melacha of Losh - Examples of Mixing and Mashing Foods (41:55)
Lesson 13: Smearing and Spreading Foods (17:19)
Lesson 1: Washing one’s Body, Warming one’s Wet Body or Hands, Using a Hot Flask, Immersing in a Mikvah on Shabbos (42:17)
Lesson 2: Climbing and Using Trees, Walking and Running on Grass, Watering grass, Non-perforated Planter Pots (46:08)
Lesson 3: Moving a Planter Pot, Unclogging a Drain, Smelling Flowers and Fruits, Placing Grains or Branches into Water, Leaning onto a Tree (54:03)
Lesson 4: Gozeiz (Shearing): Cutting Hair, kin and Fingernails etc. Mocheik (Erasing), Erasing Writing on Cakes, Stamping on Books (50:17)
Lesson 5: Writing on Shabbos, Making a Crease Tofeir (Sewing): Tightening Threads, Laces (41:10)
Lesson 6: Makeh Be’patish. Me’amer (Gathering Produce in the Field). Metaken Mana (40:16)
Lesson 7: The Melacha of Sewing, Gluing and Tearing, Mechatech (Cutting to Size). (47:39)
Lesson 8: Chinuch: Educating Children in Shabbos Observance (26:02)
Test Volume 5
Lesson 1: Ve’daber Davar: Manner of Speech on Shabbos, Speaking about an Issur, Distressing News, Hiring Workers (50:16)
Lesson 2: Transactions Done through a Gentile, Instructing a Gentile to transgress an Issur de’Rabanan, Asking a Gentile who will instruct another Gentile (47:55)
Lesson 3: A Gentile doing Work Publicly or Privately, Construction and Brick-making, A House Built by a Gentile on Shabbos, Hiring a Gentile for a Fixed Amount of Time (61:28)
Lesson 4: Jewish/Gentile Partnerships, Contracts, Melachos a Gentile May Do For a Jew (52:44)
Lesson 5: Jew/Gentile Partnerships: Dividing Equally, Annulling a Partnership, Investing with a Gentile. Sending Mail, Express deliveries (45:09)
Lesson 6: Sending Clothing to the Cleaners, Benefiting from Work Done on Shabbos, Gentile Contractors, Bread baked on Shabbos (60:42)
Lesson 7: Trapping or Picking Done for a Jew, When in Doubt, Items Brought from Outside the Techum (50:44)
Lesson 8: Gentiles Performing Work for Jews: Carrying Water through a Reshus Harabim, Grass Picked by a Gentile, Specifically for a Jew, Feeding a Jew’s Animal, Making a Coffin, Digging a Grave, Lamenting Flutes (49:02)
Test Volume 6
Lesson 1: Laws Pertaining to the infirm on Shabbos: Minor Aches and Pains, Foods and Drinks that are Allowed to be Taken for Illness, Kilorin and Medicines Mixed into Food Before Shabbos (44:24)
Lesson 2: Piku’ach Nefesh on Shabbos (54:42)
Lesson 3: Slaughtering for a Choleh, Two or Three Figs on a Branch/es, Ribbui Shiurim (more than needed), Choleh She’ein Bo Sakana, Sakanas Eiver (danger of losing a limb) (62:38)
Lesson 4: Choleh She’ein Bo Sakanah (cont.), Bishul Akum, Piercing a Boil, Hanging Fingernails and Skin (42:14)
Lesson 5: Expressing Mother's Milk, Stopping Swelling, Children’s Health, Medical Treatment of Gentiles on Shabbos ASSORTED HALACHOS: Siman 248 - Sailing on shabbos. Siman 249 - Eating Meals on Friday. Siman 250 - Preparing for Shabbos (56:28)
Lesson 6: Working on Friday. Carrying on Shabbos: Raincoats, Protective Pads, Walking Aids, Gloves. Mimtzo Cheftzecha - Pursuing Personal Interests on Shabbos: Walking to the Edge of the Techum for Melacha after Shabbos, For a Mitzvah (52:38)
Lesson 7: Salary for a Service on Shabbos, For a Mitzvah, Measuring on Shabbos, Business Thoughts (40:00)
Lesson 8: Calculating Expenses, Speech that involves Shabbos Issurim, Reading from a list, Shtorei Hedyotos -Bills and Documents, Personal Letters, (55:59)
Lesson 9: Reading Captions to Pictures, Reading Books and Newspapers, Books on Humanities (50:37)
Lesson 10: Musical instruments, Door Clappers, Bells, Clapping and Dancing, Clocks and Timepieces (25:35)
Test Volume 7
Lesson 3- Adding to a pot that's on the stove on Shabbos
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Shabbos Vol I Shiur 3_new_.pdf
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