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Chapter One
Welcome! (12:02)
Lesson 1: The Purpose of Prayer (12:02)
Lesson 2: The Four Spiritual Spheres (19:03)
Lesson 3: Praise (13:56)
Lesson 4: A song of appreciation (16:21)
Lesson 5: Pesukei De'zimra explaining Vayevarech David, Az Yashir and Yishtabach (16:07)
Lesson 6: The Closing of Pesukei De’zimra (16:04)
Lesson 7: Yishtabach & Kaddish (17:34)
Lesson 8: Pesukei D'Zimra of Shabbos and Yom Tov (16:13)
Lesson 9: Concentration in Prayer (17:05)
Lesson 10: Chatzi Kaddish at the conclusion of Pesukei De’Zimra (14:38)
Chapter Two
Lesson 11: The Laws of Borchu (12:54)
Lesson 12: The 7 Blessings recited with Krias Shema (13:42)
Lesson 13: Yotzeir Ohr U’vorei Choshech – The Creator of Light and of Darkness (31:37)
Lesson 14: Krias Shema and the Aseres Hadibros (16:40)
Lesson 15: Shemoneh Esrei: The Amidah Prayer (16:22)
Lesson 16: The Amidah: Shemoneh Esrei (19:54)
Lesson 17: Shemoneh Esrei- continued (16:15)
Lesson 18: Shemoneh Esrei- continued (17:49)
Lesson 19: Al Hanissim, Birchas Kohanim, (18:15)
Lesson 20: Chazoras Hashatz, Kedusha, Birchos Kohanim (18:03)
Chapter Three
Chapter 21: Concentration (21:25)
Lesson 22: Tachanun - Nefilas Apayim (18:24)
Lesson 23: Hallel (20:16)
Lesson 24: Hallel Part II (20:48)
Lesson 25: Kaddish (16:40)
Lesson 26: Krias HaTorah (18:12)
Lesson 27: Krias HaTorah (18:26)
Lesson 28: Ashrei (19:21)
Lesson 29: Kedushas U’vah Le’Tziyon (17:09)
Lesson 30: Kedushas U’vah Le’Tziyon (17:26)
Chapter Four
Lesson 31: Shir Shel Yom: The Song of the Day (17:10)
Lesson 32: Ein K’Elokeinu & Pittum HaKetores (15:24)
Lesson 33: Mincha: The Afternoon Prayer (18:29)
Lesson 34: Mincha The Afternoon Prayer (16:27)
Lesson 35: Ma’ariv The Evening Prayer (17:51)
Lesson 36: Maariv - Part 2 (15:14)
Lesson 37: Maariv - Part 3 (18:56)
Lesson 38: A Woman’s Guide to Daily Prayer (18:12)
Lesson 39: Selichos: Getting Close to Hashem Again (19:01)
Lesson 40: Selichos: Getting Close to Hashem Again (16:21)
Chapter Five
Lesson 41: Selichos: Getting Close to Hashem Again (65:48)
Lesson 42: Selichos: Getting Close to Hashem Again (25:48)
Lesson 43: Selichos: Getting Close to Hashem Again (16:01)
Lesson 44: Selichos: Getting Close to Hashem Again (15:11)
Lesson 45: Erev Rosh Hashanah (18:59)
Lesson 46: Maariv: Changes in Tefilla (prayer) (54:35)
Lesson 47: Rosh Hashanah Shacharis (17:52)
Lesson 48: Comparing Shacharis to Mussaf (18:51)
Lesson 49: The Custom of Prostrating during Aleinu (20:14)
Lesson 50: Erev Yom Kippur Prayer (Yom Kippur Eve) (16:37)
Chapter Six
Lesson 51: Yom Kippur and its Prayers (19:10)
Lesson 52: Yom Kippur and its Prayers (19:58)
Lesson 53: The period between Yom Kippur and Succos (18:47)
Lesson 54: Shacharis: Piyutim - Poetry (18:49)
Lesson 55: The Highlight of the Succos Prayers: The Hoshanah Service (17:16)
Lesson 56: Sukkos- Hoshanas: (Sephardim) (20:21)
Lesson 57: Sukkos- The Order of the Hoshana Rabba Prayers (15:43)
Lesson 58: Sukkos- Hoshanos Part 2 (15:15)
Lesson 59: Sukkos Additional Insights to the final section of the Hoshanah Rabba Hoshanah prayers (15:40)
Lesson 60: Sukkos- Shemini Atzeres - A Yom Tov to Itself (16:43)
Chapter Seven
Lesson 61: The Yom Tov of Pesach (17:01)
Lesson 62: Rosh Chodesh Sivan (21:52)
Lesson 63: Approaching Prayer (16:51)
Lesson 64: Elokei, Neshama, My G-d, The Soul (17:08)
Lesson 65: The Birchos Hashachar - The Morning Blessings (17:10)
Lesson 66: The Birchos Hashachar - The Morning Blessings (19:52)
Lesson 67: The Closing Blessing of the Birchos Hashachar - The Morning Blessings (22:44)
Lesson 66: The Birchos Hashachar - The Morning Blessings
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