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Hilchos Shechita
SHECHITAH LESSON 1: Who is Qualified for Shechitah? (175:42)
SHECHITAH LESSON 2: Who is Qualified for Shechitah Lechatchila? (133:30)
SHECHITAH LESSON 3: Testing and Certification of the Shochet (160:30)
SHECHITAH LESSON 4: A Shochet who is not Qualified
SHECHITAH LESSON 5: An Animal that was Found Shechted (52:48)
SHECHITAH LESSON 6: Shechitah of a Cheresh Shoteh and Katan (48:05)
SHECHITAH LESSON 7: Shechitah of a Deaf, Mute, Drunk, Blind etc. (61:56)
SHECHITAH LESSON 8: Trustworthiness of a Shochet in Various Scenarios
SHECHITAH LESSON 9: The Shechitah of a non-Jew and of a Mumar
SHECHITAH LESSON 10: Mumar to Eat Neveilah; Types
SHECHITAH LESSON 11: Mumar for Other Sins
SHECHITAH LESSON 12: The Shechitah of a Kusi, Tzeduki; Joint Shechitah of a Kosher and Pasul Shochet
SHECHITAH LESSON 13: Shechitah; Intent
SHECHITAH LESSON 14: Shechitah for an Avodah Zara
SHECHITAH LESSON 15: Shechitah for Various other Things
SHECHITAH LESSON 16: Shechitah for Kodshim
SHECHITAH LESSON 17: Two Opposing Intents of a Joint Shechitah
SHECHITAH LESSON 18: What Materials can be Used for a Shechitah-Knife
SHECHITAH LESSON 19: Shechitah with a Knife Attached to the Ground
SHECHITAH LESSON 20: Shechitah with a Knife Attached to a Wheel
SHECHITAH LESSON 21: The Size of a Shechitah-Knife
SHECHITAH LESSON 22: The Knife of a non-Jew
SHECHITAH LESSON 23: A Bloody Knife; A Knife used on an Animal which was a Treifah
SHECHITAH LESSON 24: Shechitah at Night; Shechitah on Shabbos and Yom Tov
SHECHITAH LESSON 25: Shechitah into Water; On a Boat
SHECHITAH LESSON 26: Shechitah into a Hole in the Ground
SHECHITAH LESSON 27: Which Living Creature Don’t Need Shechitah
SHECHITAH LESSON 28: Which Living Creature Don’t Need Shechitah; Ben Paku’as
SHECHITAH LESSON 29: An Animal that was in the Womb when its Mother was shechted
SHECHITAH LESSON 30: An Animal that became Assur in the Womb; The Shechitah of an Animal Inside the Womb
SHECHITAH LESSON 31: How Old the Offspring must be to have Shechitah
SHECHITAH LESSON 32: The Laws of Shechting the Mother and its Offspring
SHECHITAH LESSON 33: The Laws of and its Offspring (cont.) Shechting the Mother
SHECHITAH LESSON 34: The above Law as it Pertains to a Mix Breed
SHECHITAH LESSON 35: Trusting a non-Jew about the Mother’s Shechitah as it pertains to the above Laws; If the Offspring got Mixed Up with other Animals
SHECHITAH LESSON 36: Shechitah of an Animal that is about to Die (74:06)
SHECHITAH LESSON 37: The Laws of Checking a Shechitah-Knife; Imperfections (75:46)
SHECHITAH LESSON 38: The Laws of Sharpening a Shechitah-Knife; A Knife that doesn’t have a Smooth Blade (71:07)
SHECHITAH LESSON 39: How to Check the Shechitah-Knife; Shechting with a Knife that has some nicks (83:59)
SHECHITAH LESSON 40: How Often to Check a Knife when Shechting Multiple Animals
SHECHITAH LESSON 41: Shechitah with a Knife that was checked and got lost after shechita
SHECHITAH LESSON 42: Shechitah with a Knife that was Checked and then it was Used for Chopping Bones (61:09)
SHECHITAH LESSON 43: A Shochet that did not Show his Knife to a chacham (76:00)
SHECHITAH LESSON 44: Removing a Shochet from his Position because of an Incident regarding the Checking of his Knife
SHECHITAH LESSON 45: The Laws of the Berachos for shechita
SHECHITAH LESSON 46: The Laws of the Berachos for Kissui Ha’Dam
SHECHITAH LESSON 47: The Correct Place on the Neck for shechita (65:15)
SHECHITAH LESSON 48: The Shechitah of the Windpipe (30:40)
SHECHITAH LESSON 49: The Preferred Place for Shechitah; The Laws of Feeling for the Simanim
SHECHITAH LESSON 50: The Amount Necessary to Cut for Shechitah
SHECHITAH LESSON 51: The Law of Shechting the Arteries (57:01)
SHECHITAH LESSON 52: The Laws of She’hiyah (61:54)
SHECHITAH LESSON 53: The Laws of She’hiyah (cont.) (128:08)
SHECHITAH LESSON 54: The Laws of Derasa
SHECHITAH LESSON 55: The Laws of Derasa (cont.0 (58:05)
SHECHITAH LESSON 56: The Laws of Chalada (54:35)
SHECHITAH LESSON 57: The Laws of Hagrama
SHECHITAH LESSON 58: The Laws of Ikkur
SHECHITAH LESSON 59: The Laws of the Simanim after the shechita (24:29)
SHECHITAH LESSON 60: The Laws of Checking after the Shechitah (52:24)
SHECHITAH LESSON 61: The Laws of a Hole in the Esophagus or the Intestines before the Completion of the shechita
SHECHITAH LESSON 62:The Laws of Mefarcheses
SHECHITAH LESSON 63: The Laws of Kissui Ha’Dam; Which Animals Require Kissui Ha’Dam
SHECHITAH LESSON 64: The Laws of Kissui Ha’Dam (cont.) 1 (62:05)
SHECHITAH LESSON 65: The Laws of Kissui Ha’Dam (cont.) 2
SHECHITAH LESSON 66: The Laws of Kissui Ha’Dam (cont.) 3
SHECHITAH LESSON 67: The Laws of Kissui Ha’Dam (cont.) 4
SHECHITAH LESSON 68: What Can be Used for Kissui Ha’Dam
SHECHITAH LESSON 40: How Often to Check a Knife when Shechting Multiple Animals
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